May 9 | Telling the Truth: Objectivity and Justice
Tuesday May 9, 2017 4:00-5:30 PM SJRC Common Room, Oakes 231 The terms “post-fact”, “post-truth”, and “post-reality” are now being used to label the new era we have entered. We are already seeing the erasure of climate data from servers and websites, and purveyors of the truth, including climate scientists, journalists, and academics are being put on warning.… Continue Reading May 9 | Telling the Truth: Objectivity and Justice
May 10 | CRISPR Cas9 and Justice
Wednesday May 10, 2017 Biomed 200, 12Noon-1:00PM Sponsored by the CRISPR User Group, SJRC Director Jenny Reardon (Professor of Sociology) will present a talk, to divert our gaze from the spectacular—we will cut out deadly genes; we will fundamentally alter the human species—to focus on the more mundane, but more profound changes of which CRISPR technologies are… Continue Reading May 10 | CRISPR Cas9 and Justice
Feb 7 | 4:00-6:00 PM | SJRC Common Room, Oakes 231 The terms “post-fact”, “post-truth”, and “post-reality” are now being used to label the new era we have entered. We are already seeing the erasure of climate data from servers and websites, and purveyors of the truth, including climate scientists, journalists, and academics are being… Continue Reading Feb 7 | TELLING THE TRUTH: OBJECTIVITY & JUSTICE
Feb 1 | Cleo Woelfle-Erskine on Fish Culture
Science & Justice visiting scholar Cleo Woelfle-Erskine, a UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Feminist Studies Department will present new work on fish culture. Continue Reading Feb 1 | Cleo Woelfle-Erskine on Fish Culture
Feb 17/18 | Democratizing the Green City: Sustainability and the Affordable Housing Crisis
This two day conference examines a paradox: urban sustainability initiatives that are so vital in countering climate change can, through their improvements, contribute to driving up rents and driving out residents, and in the process, exacerbate sprawl, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change itself. Our speakers examine this growing link between environmental improvement and… Continue Reading Feb 17/18 | Democratizing the Green City: Sustainability and the Affordable Housing Crisis
Jan 25 | Against Purity
Wednesday, January 25, 2017 4:00-6:00 PM Engineering 2, Room 599 Science and Justice Visiting Scholar and UCSC alum Alexis Shotwell, Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University, will be in conversation with Jess Neasbitt (History of Consciousness, UCSC) about politics, movements and ethics in her new book Against Purity: Living Ethically in Compromised Times. Against Purity proposes a powerful new… Continue Reading Jan 25 | Against Purity
Tuesday, January 24, 2017 4:00-6:00 PM SJRC Common Room (Oakes 231) The terms “post-fact”, “post-truth”, and “post-reality” are now being used to label the new era we have entered. We are already seeing the erasure of climate data from servers and websites [1], and purveyors of the truth, including climate scientists, journalists, and academics are being… Continue Reading Jan 24 | TELLING THE TRUTH: OBJECTIVITY & JUSTICE
Jan 24 | Wiring Gaia at the Water-Energy Nexus: Indigenous Water Guardians and Decolonizing Water Science
Tuesday, January 24, 2017 11:40-1:15 PM Rachel Carson College 301 (Sociology) As emblematized by the ongoing protests at Standing Rock, water is a foundational element—biophysical, epistemological, and spiritual—in Indigenous societies and lifeways. Dr. Karen Bakker discusses how this crucial life source has come under increased threat due to the claimed necessity of extractivist development projects which… Continue Reading Jan 24 | Wiring Gaia at the Water-Energy Nexus: Indigenous Water Guardians and Decolonizing Water Science
Jan 23 | Film Screening: KONELĪNE: our land beautiful
Best Canadian Documentary, Hot Docs 2016 “TRANSCENDENT… epic spectacle. […]She lets the camera hunt for art in every frame, mining veins of abstract beauty rather than sharp nuggets of political narrative” Brian D. Johnson, Maclean’s “ASTONISHING, stunningly beautiful. […] Equal parts sigh, song and cry.” Linda Barnard, Toronto Star “BREATHTAKING, gripping. […] Finds beauty in… Continue Reading Jan 23 | Film Screening: KONELĪNE: our land beautiful
Jan 13 | Retro Policies and Ongoing Fights: Thinking the Present through HIV Activisms Then and Now
Friday, January 13, 2017 11:40-1:15 PM Rachel Carson College 301 (Sociology) Science and Justice Visiting Scholar and UCSC alum Alexis Shotwell, an Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University joins S&J Faculty Affiliate Debbie Gould (Associate Professor of Sociology) and S&J Assistant Director Kate Weatherford Darling in conversation about HIV/AIDS activisms. Since the 1980s, HIV activists across the… Continue Reading Jan 13 | Retro Policies and Ongoing Fights: Thinking the Present through HIV Activisms Then and Now