S&J Training Program Fellow joins delegation in DC to advocate for more graduate training funding
SJTP Fellow and Environmental Studies doctoral student Tiffany Wise-West filed this report from a lobbying trip to Washington, DC with the “UC in DC” program. The statements made in this piece are her own opinions and not those of any UC-affiliated advocacy group. In late May, 2013 a delegation from UCSC joined other UC campus delegations… Continue Reading S&J Training Program Fellow joins delegation in DC to advocate for more graduate training funding
Andrew Mathews receives the Harold & Margaret Sprout Award for recent book
Andrew S. Mathews, Director of the Science & Justice Research Center and Associate Professor of Anthropology, received the Harold and Margaret Sprout Award from the International Studies Association’s Environment Section for his 2011 book Instituting Nature: Authority, Expertise, and Power in Mexican Forests (MIT Press). The Harold and Margaret Sprout Award recognizes the best book in the study… Continue Reading Andrew Mathews receives the Harold & Margaret Sprout Award for recent book
Jenny Reardon’s op-ed sparks conversation about medical and genetic privacy
SJRC Co-Director Jenny Reardon published an Op-Ed in the San Francisco Chronicle on March 2, 2013, “Should patients understand that they are research subjects?” In the article she recounts visiting a physician at UC San Francisco and not being able to parse the standard informed consent to having tissues and/or medical data used anonymously in… Continue Reading Jenny Reardon’s op-ed sparks conversation about medical and genetic privacy
Jenny Reardon Awarded Brocher Foundation Residency
Jenny Reardon, Associate Professor of Sociology, Founder and Co-Director of the Science & Justice Research Center at the University of California, Santa Cruz was awarded a Residency with The Brocher Foundation to write her upcoming book The Post-Genomic Condition: Ethics, Justice and Knowledge After the Genome. The Brocher Foundation is a Swiss non profit law… Continue Reading Jenny Reardon Awarded Brocher Foundation Residency
Informational meeting for new cohort of Science & Justice Graduate Training Program
INFORMATIONAL MEETING: Wednesday March 6 2013, 12:30-2:00PM, at the Baytree Conference Center. Lunch will be provided. SPRING 2013 COURSE: Science & Justice: Experiments in Collaboration (SOCY/BME/FMST 268A and ANTH 267), Prof. Andrew Mathews, Thursdays 9-12:00 We are pleased to announce new opportunities for graduate students to join our NSF-funded Science & Justice Training Program. The… Continue Reading Informational meeting for new cohort of Science & Justice Graduate Training Program
Recent special issues edited by Science & Justice members, past and present
A number of past and present Science & Justice members have recently edited special editions of scholarly journals focussed on themes commonly explored in Science & Justice colloquia and courses. These collections highlight the ways in which S&J facilitates thinking across boundaries and gathering around interesting objects. Assistant Director of the S&J Research Center Jacob Metcalf and… Continue Reading Recent special issues edited by Science & Justice members, past and present
Karen Barad provides keynote address to “MATTERING: Feminism, Science and Materialism” conference
Karen Barad, co-Director for the Science & Justice Training Program, will provide the keynote address at the upcoming feminist science studies conference at CUNY, MATTERING: Feminism, Science and Materialism. This conference, organized jointly by the Center for the Study of Women and Society, the Committee on Interdisciplinary Science Studies and the Advanced Research Collaborative at the Graduate… Continue Reading Karen Barad provides keynote address to “MATTERING: Feminism, Science and Materialism” conference
Science & Justice Announces Artists in Residence
The Science & Justice Research Center is pleased to announce a new Artists in Residence program for undergraduate students, supported by the OpenLab, SPARC and the Arts at UCSC. This year we are featuring two artists, Patrick Appleby and Kiko Kolb. Patrick and Kiko will be engaged in Science & Justice Programming throughout the year.… Continue Reading Science & Justice Announces Artists in Residence
The Human Code: Race and Information in a Genomic Age
The Human Code Race and information in a genomic age By Ian Evans 11/15/12 City on a Hill Press When UC Santa Cruz researchers and graduate students published on July 7, 2000 the first record of a person’s whole DNA sequence, or genome, the field of genomics was still young. Utilizing a UCSC designed online… Continue Reading The Human Code: Race and Information in a Genomic Age