
“Science & Justice: The Trouble and the Promise” published in Catalyst

Catalyst-cover_issue_4_en_USThe article “Science & Justice: The Trouble and the Promise,” co-written by Jenny Reardon, Jacob Metcalf, Martha Kenney, Karen Barad has just been published in the inaugural issue of Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, and Technoscience, a new STS journal supporting theoretically inventive and methodologically creative scholarship incorporating approaches from critical public health, disability studies, postcolonial studies, queer theory, sci-art, technology and digital media studies, history and philosophy of science and medicine.

A PDF of the article can be downloaded here: Catalyst article PDF

September 30, 2015 | Cocktail Hour: Meet & Greet

4:00-5:30 PM | SJRC Common Room, Oakes 231

Please join us for a beginning of quarter cocktail hour hosted by Science & Justice Director Jenny Reardon. In addition to a chance to celebrate the new academic year and enjoy each other’s company over nice food and drink, we will (re)introduce the S&J Community. Some of which are new, some have new roles, and some have been away and we would love to hear about what they have been up to.

We will also officially welcome the Center’s recently hired Assistant Director of Research and Academic Programs, Dr. Emily Cohen!

This will be a great chance for everyone to meet the new faces in the Center and foster emerging collaborations!

Emily Cohen, joins SJRC as Assistant Director of Research and Academic Programs

cohen_headshot_reduced_1147x960Emily Cohen completed her PhD in Anthropology at New York University where she earned a certificate in Culture and Media, she also holds a BA in Anthropology from UC Santa Cruz. She is completing revisions for her first book Bodies at War: An Ethnography which is under review at Duke University Press. Her book examines what it means to rehabilitate after landmine injury in Colombia. Her postdoctoral research Military Utopias of Mind and Machine examined the rise of military utopic visions of mind that involve the creation of virtual worlds and hyper real simulations in US military psychiatry for the cultivation of “psychological resilience.”

Continue Reading Emily Cohen, joins SJRC as Assistant Director of Research and Academic Programs